Pastor Rev. Ari Prado Obituary, In the Hearts of Many

In the hearts of many people, Pastor Rev. Ari Prado is not only a priest, but also a soul awakened in faith and love for God. Lets explore together the life and work of the man who left a deep mark on our hearts and souls.

In the hearts of many people, Pastor Rev. Ari Prado is not only a priest, but also a soul awakened in faith and love for God. Let’s explore together the life and work of the man who left a deep mark on our hearts and souls.

Pastor Rev. Ari Prado is a model of devotion and adoration towards God. He spent his entire life serving God and the community. His journey changed many lives and left a great legacy that we will always remember him for.

Pastor Rev. Ari Prado Obituary – Death news

On Monday, October 30, Pastor Ari was admitted to the ICU due to heart complications. Doctors and nurses worked tirelessly to stabilize his condition, but heartbreakingly, he passed away the next morning with his family by his side.

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Pastor Rev. Ari Prado Obituary details

Pastor Ari Prado, is a beloved spiritual leader in the community. For more than two decades, he served faithfully as senior pastor of New Hope Church. Known for his powerful sermons and compassion, Pastor Ari has touched countless lives through his mission.

The sad news of Pastor Ari’s sudden death spread quickly on social networks, where sadness and memories were shared. Friends and parishioners expressed deep gratitude for his wisdom, kindness and dedication to bringing people closer to God. Memories of his rousing sermons, comforting advice in difficult times, and willingness to help those in need are recalled.

In addition to his beloved family, he leaves behind a second family, his church, and a large network of friends who will miss him greatly.

A memorial service to honor Pastor Ari’s life and legacy will be announced in the coming days. Although he is gone, his spirit lives on in the lives he influenced and the communities he faithfully served. Pastor Ari Prado’s memory will forever be a blessing to all who knew him.

On Monday, October 30, Pastor Ari was admitted to the ICU due to heart complications.

On Monday, October 30, Pastor Ari was admitted to the ICU due to heart complications.

The Life and Career of Pastor Rev. Ari Prado

Journey of worship and service Right from his teenage days, he embarked on the path of worship and service to God. After completing high school, he pursued priesthood and completed his degree. His enthusiasm and passion for spreading the Gospel made him respected and loved by many people.

Merit and contribution in the community Pastor Rev. Ari Prado is not only a priest, but also an outstanding community leader. He has spent many years supporting and encouraging charitable activities, helping those in need and sharing his faith with everyone.

The life and career of Pastor Rev. Ari Prado has been a source of inspiration and encouragement for many people in their journey of worship and search for the meaning of life.

Pastor Ari Prado’s legacy – Remembering him

Pastor Ari Prado leaves behind an admirable legacy after more than 20 years of serving the community as a loving and far-reaching pastor.

Pastor Ari Prado’s legacy

Pastor Ari Prado’s legacy includes:

  • Building and developing New Hope Church into a vibrant Christian community with over 2,000 worshippers attending Sunday services.
  • Establishing community programs such as homeless support, scholarship programs, and youth rehabilitation programs. These initiatives have reached thousands of individuals in the local community.
  • Publishing 5 books and numerous inspirational sermons on the Christian faith, impacting thousands of readers.
  • Mentoring and guiding dozens of young pastors who are currently serving in churches across the region.
  • Forming partnerships with local and international charitable organizations to expand community programs.
  • Pastor Ari’s legacy will live on through the lives he touched and the communities he served. Even though he has passed away, his influence continues to ripple throughout the community.

    Remembering Pastor Ari Prado

    Pastor Ari Prado left a significant void in the community after his sudden passing at the age of 57. He was a spiritual leader with a profound impact, dedicating his life wholeheartedly to the mission of serving God and humanity.

    For over 20 years, Pastor Prado led New Hope Church to strong growth and established numerous meaningful community programs. With his inspiring sermons and boundless compassion, he walked alongside parishioners through difficulties and challenges. He was always ready to lend a helping hand to those in need.

    Doctors and nurses worked tirelessly to stabilize his condition, but heartbreakingly, he passed away the next morning with his family by his side.

    Doctors and nurses worked tirelessly to stabilize his condition, but heartbreakingly, he passed away the next morning with his family by his side.

    His gentle smile, kind eyes, compelling voice, and comforting presence will forever be etched in people’s memories. Even though he has departed, the lessons of faith and love he imparted will continue to spread and influence future generations.

    Today, let us take a moment to remember and honor Pastor Ari Prado – a son, a father, a pastor, and most importantly, a revered brother who may have left us physically but remains in our hearts.

    “No words can express the deep sorrow I feel at the loss of my dear friend, Pastor Ari Prado. A hero of faith, a superb orator, a loving father, but above all, he was a man of fervent prayer and communion with God. He inspired me to pray relentlessly. He taught me to seek God above all else. His guidance would lead a confused and lost youth like me back to God’s purpose. He lived a life truly dedicated to prayer. His journey truly mirrored the words of Saint Paul, ‘Pray without ceasing.’ Now, his final prayer has been answered. He is with Jesus for eternity. My prayers and support go out to Sis Jamie, Nora, Ayla, and the rest of the Prado family,” a tribute post shared on Facebook stated.

    “We will remember the voice and passionate example of Pastor Ari Prado during the Pentecost Sunday. Please pray for his family and his church,” another post wrote.

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