Harry Belafonte Net Worth: An Analysis of Legendry Singers Wealth

On April 25, 2023, Harry Belafonte the 96-year-old singer passed away. Despite the widespread popularity of Day-O it is possible that Belafontes commitment to racial equality and social justice will be remembered most.

On April 25, 2023, Harry Belafonte the 96-year-old singer passed away. Despite the widespread popularity of “Day-O” it is possible that Belafonte’s commitment to racial equality and social justice will be remembered most.

Born to parents of Jamaican heritage in Harlem, Harry Belafonte spent his childhood in the Caribbean island nation. As a youngster, he moved back to the United States, but he struggled to fit in. He enlisted in the Navy after dropping out of high school and saw action during World War II.

After returning from the military, Belafonte saw a play at the American Negro Theater and was inspired to pursue acting. He enrolled in classes at New York City’s New School for Social Research, where he studied alongside future Hollywood greats Tony Curtis, Walter Matthau and Marlon Brando.

How Much is Harry Belafonte’s Net Worth?

Harry Belafonte was a wealthy man thanks to his impressive net worth. Harry Belafonte’s net worth was estimated to be $30 million at the time of deἀth.  In 1958, Harry and his family were looking all around New York City for an apartment that would accept them despite the fact that they were black.

He was looking for a rental at 300 West End Avenue near West 74th Street and he submitted an application there. Landlord rejected Harry’s application because he didn’t want black renters, despite Harry being one of the highest-paid and most famous superstars in the world.

At first, the landlord planned to approve Harry’s application since he mistook him for a white person. When he realized otherwise, his opinion shifted. Ramfis Trujillo was the landlord’s name. Rafael Ramfis was the President of the Dominican Republic at the time of Ramfi’s birth and served in that role until his untimely deἀth a few years later.

Harry purchased a 3.3-acre plot of land in St. Martin, the Caribbean, in 1982. He made $2.2 million upon the sale of the home in September of 2005.

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